Article 74
Tasks of the Chair
There is no recital in the Regulation related to article 74.
There is no recital in the Directive related to article 74.
Art. 74 1. The Chair shall have the following tasks: (a) to convene the meetings of the Board and prepare its agenda; (b) to notify decisions adopted by the Board pursuant to Article 65 to the lead supervisory authority and the supervisory authorities concerned; (c) to ensure the timely performance of the tasks of the Board, in particular in relation to the consistency mechanism referred to in Article 63. 2. The Board shall lay down the allocation of tasks between the Chair and the deputy chairs in its rules of procedure. |
Art. 29 7. The Working Party shall consider items placed on its agenda by its chairman, either on his own initiative or at the request of a representative of the supervisory authorities or at the Commission's request. |