Article 59
Activity reports
(63) Whereas such authorities must have the necessary means to perform their duties, including powers of investigation and intervention, particularly in cases of complaints from individuals, and powers to engage in legal proceedings; whereas such authorities must help to ensure transparency of processing in the Member States within whose jurisdiction they fall;
Art. 59 Each supervisory authority shall draw up an annual report on its activities, which may include a list of types of infringement notified and types of measures taken in accordance with Article 58(2). Those reports shall be transmitted to the national parliament, the government and other authorities as designated by Member State law. They shall be made available to the public, to the Commission and to the Board. |
Art. 28 (….). 5. Each supervisory authority shall draw up a report on its activities at regular intervals. The report shall be made public. (….). |
Personal Data Protection Act Article 7. […] (6) (Last Amendment, SG No. 103/2005) The Commission submits an annual report on its activities to the National Assembly before January, 31st every year. [...] Article 10. (Last Amendment - SG No. 105/2011, in force as of 29.12.2011) […] (3) (Last Amendment, SG No. 91/2006) The Commission issues a bulletin where it publishes information about its activities and decisions taken. The bulletin also contains the report referred to in Art. 7, Para 6. |
65. The Data Protection Agency shall submit an annual report on its activities to Folketinget (the Danish Parliament). The report shall be made public. The Data Protection Agency may also make its opinions accessible to the general public. Section 30 shall be correspondingly applicable. |