Article 59
Activity reports
(63) Whereas such authorities must have the necessary means to perform their duties, including powers of investigation and intervention, particularly in cases of complaints from individuals, and powers to engage in legal proceedings; whereas such authorities must help to ensure transparency of processing in the Member States within whose jurisdiction they fall;
Art. 59 Each supervisory authority shall draw up an annual report on its activities, which may include a list of types of infringement notified and types of measures taken in accordance with Article 58(2). Those reports shall be transmitted to the national parliament, the government and other authorities as designated by Member State law. They shall be made available to the public, to the Commission and to the Board. |
Art. 28 (….). 5. Each supervisory authority shall draw up a report on its activities at regular intervals. The report shall be made public. (….). |
In force until May 25, 2018: Organisation and Independence of the Data Protection Authority § 37 DSG 2000 (1) The head of the Data Protection Authority is independent and not bound by instructions in the exercise of his office. (2) The Data Protection Authority is an administrative authority und human resource department. The Federal Finance Act shall provide for the necessary expenditures for staff and equipment. The officials of the Data Protection Authority shall be bound only by the instructions of the head. The head shall have the service prerogative over the officials of the Data Protection Authority. (3) The Federal Chancellor can request information from the head of the Data Protection Authority about the operations of the authority. The head of the Data Protection Authority shall comply such requests only insofar as this does not compromise the independence of the supervisory authority as laid down in Article 28 paragraph 1 sub-paragraph 2 of Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Official Journal L 281, 23/11/1995, p. 31. (4) The Data Protection Authority shall be heard before laws concerning essential issues of data protection and federal ordinances based on this federal law or which otherwise directly concerns important issues of data protection are enacted. (5) The Data Protection Authority shall formulate until 31 March every year a report about its workings in the preceding calendar year, submit it to the Federal Chancellor and publish it in an appropriate manner. The report shall be submitted to the National Council and the Federal Council by the Federal Chancellor. (6) Decisions of the Data Protection Authority of fundamental importance to the general public shall be published by the Data Protection Authority in a suitable manner while respecting official secrecy rules. |