Article 73

Guidelines Caselaw Review of
EU Regulation
Review of
Nat. Regulation

There is no recital in the Regulation related to article 73.

There is no recital in the Directive related to article 73.


Article 73 repeats the rule whereby the Board shall elect a chair and two deputy chairs from amongst its members by simple majority. Both the chair and the two deputy chairs shall be elected by a simple majority of the members. 

The term of office of the Chair and of the deputy chairs shall be amended from two years to five years in the last version of the Regulation. However, their mandate shall be renewable only once.

The Directive

the Article 29 Working Party was allowed to elect their chair for a term of 2 years. In addition, pursuant to the Directive, the chair mandate was renewable.

Potential issues

We do not see a priori  any specific implementation difficulties. 

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Art. 73

1.   The Board shall elect a chair and two deputy chairs from amongst its members by simple majority.

2.   The term of office of the Chair and of the deputy chairs shall be five years and be renewable once.


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Art. 69 

1. The European Data Protection Board shall elect a chair and two deputy chairpersons from amongst its members. One deputy chairperson shall be the European Data Protection Supervisor, unless he or she has been elected chair.

2. The term of office of the chair and of the deputy chairpersons shall be five years and be renewable.

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Art. 69

1. The European Data Protection Board shall elect a chair and two deputy chairs from amongst its members by simple majority(…).

2. The term of office of the chair and of the deputy chairs shall be five years and be renewable once.

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Art. 29


4. The Working Party shall elect its chairman. The chairman's term of office shall be two years. His appointment shall be renewable.



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