Article 40
Codes of conduct
There is no recital in the Directive related to article 40.
Art. 40 1. The Member States, the supervisory authorities, the Board and the Commission shall encourage the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation, taking account of the specific features of the various processing sectors and the specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. 2. Associations and other bodies representing categories of controllers or processors may prepare codes of conduct, or amend or extend such codes, for the purpose of specifying the application of this Regulation, such as with regard to: a) fair and transparent processing; b) the legitimate interests pursued by controllers in specific contexts; c) the collection of personal data; d) the pseudonymisation of personal data; e) the information provided to the public and to data subjects; f) the exercise of the rights of data subjects; g) the information provided to, and the protection of, children, and the manner in which the consent of the holders of parental responsibility over children is to be obtained; h) the measures and procedures referred to in Articles 24 and 25 and the measures to ensure security of processing referred to in Article 32; i) the notification of personal data breaches to supervisory authorities and the communication of such personal data breaches to data subjects; j) the transfer of personal data to third countries or international organisations; or k) out-of-court proceedings and other dispute resolution procedures for resolving disputes between controllers and data subjects with regard to processing, without prejudice to the rights of data subjects pursuant to Articles 77 and 79. 3. In addition to adherence by controllers or processors subject to this Regulation, codes of conduct approved pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article and having general validity pursuant to paragraph 9 of this Article may also be adhered to by controllers or processors that are not subject to this Regulation pursuant to Article 3 in order to provide appropriate safeguards within the framework of personal data transfers to third countries or international organisations under the terms referred to in point (e) of Article 46(2). Such controllers or processors shall make binding and enforceable commitments, via contractual or other legally binding instruments, to apply those appropriate safeguards including with regard to the rights of data subjects. 4. A code of conduct referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall contain mechanisms which enable the body referred to in Article 41(1) to carry out the mandatory monitoring of compliance with its provisions by the controllers or processors which undertake to apply it, without prejudice to the tasks and powers of supervisory authorities competent pursuant to Article 55 or 56. 5. Associations and other bodies referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article which intend to prepare a code of conduct or to amend or extend an existing code shall submit the draft code, amendment or extension to the supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 55. The supervisory authority shall provide an opinion on whether the draft code, amendment or extension complies with this Regulation and shall approve that draft code, amendment or extension if it finds that it provides sufficient appropriate safeguards. 6. Where the draft code, or amendment or extension is approved in accordance with paragraph 5, and where the code of conduct concerned does not relate to processing activities in several Member States, the supervisory authority shall register and publish the code. 7. Where a draft code of conduct relates to processing activities in several Member States, the supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 55 shall, before approving the draft code, amendment or extension, submit it in the procedure referred to in Article 63 to the Board which shall provide an opinion on whether the draft code, amendment or extension complies with this Regulation or, in the situation referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, provides appropriate safeguards. 8. Where the opinion referred to in paragraph 7 confirms that the draft code, amendment or extension complies with this Regulation, or, in the situation referred to in paragraph 3, provides appropriate safeguards, the Board shall submit its opinion to the Commission. 9. The Commission may, by way of implementing acts, decide that the approved code of conduct, amendment or extension submitted to it pursuant to paragraph 8 of this Article have general validity within the Union. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure set out in Article 93(2). 10. The Commission shall ensure appropriate publicity for the approved codes which have been decided as having general validity in accordance with paragraph 9. 11. The Board shall collate all approved codes of conduct, amendments and extensions in a register and shall make them publicly available by way of appropriate means. |
Art. 27 1. The Member States and the Commission shall encourage the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper implementation of the national provisions adopted by the Member States pursuant to this Directive, taking account of the specific features of the various sectors. 2. Member States shall make provision for trade associations and other bodies representing other categories of controllers which have drawn up draft national codes or which have the intention of amending or extending existing national codes to be able to submit them to the opinion of the national authority. Member States shall make provision for this authority to ascertain, among other things, whether the drafts submitted to it are in accordance with the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. If it sees fit, the authority shall seek the views of data subjects or their representatives. 3. Draft Community codes, and amendments or extensions to existing Community codes, may be submitted to the Working Party referred to in Article 29. This Working Party shall determine, among other things, whether the drafts submitted to it are in accordance with the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. If it sees fit, the authority shall seek the views of data subjects or their representatives. The Commission may ensure appropriate publicity for the codes which have been approved by the Working Party. |
Art. 25 WBP 1. De organisatie of organisaties, die voornemens zijn een gedragscode vast te stellen, kunnen het College verzoeken te verklaren dat de daarin opgenomen regels, gelet op de bijzondere kenmerken van de sector of sectoren van de samenleving waarin deze organisaties werkzaam zijn, een juiste uitwerking vormen van deze wet of van andere wettelijke bepalingen betreffende de verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Indien een gedragscode voorziet in beslechting van geschillen over de naleving ervan, kan het College de verklaring slechts afgeven indien is voorzien in waarborgen met betrekking tot de onafhankelijkheid. 2. Het eerste lid is van overeenkomstige toepassing op wijzigingen of verlengingen van bestaande gedragscodes. 3. Het College neemt het verzoek slechts in behandeling, indien naar zijn oordeel de verzoeker of verzoekers voldoende representatief zijn en de betrokken sector of de sectoren in de code voldoende nauwkeurig zijn omschreven. 4. Een beslissing op een verzoek als bedoeld in het eerste lid, geldt als een besluit in de zin van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht. Op de voorbereiding ervan is afdeling 3.4 van die wet van toepassing. 5. De verklaring geldt voor de termijn waarvoor de gedragscode zal gaan gelden echter niet voor langer dan vijf jaar na het tijdstip waarop de verklaring is bekend gemaakt. Wordt de verklaring gevraagd voor een wijziging van een gedragscode waarvoor reeds eerder een verklaring is afgegeven, dan geldt deze voor de duur van de eerder afgegeven verklaring. 6. De verklaring wordt, tezamen met de gedragscode waarop zij betrekking heeft, door de zorg van het College in de Staatscourant geplaatst. Art. 26 WBP 1. Bij algemene maatregel van bestuur kunnen voor een bepaalde sector nadere regels worden gesteld inzake de in de artikelen 6 tot en met 11 en 13 geregelde onderwerpen. 2. Het College geeft in zijn jaarverslag aan in hoeverre naar zijn oordeel toepassing van het eerste lid wenselijk is. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 25 1. Any organisation(s) that intend(s) to adopt a code of conduct may request the Authority to declare that the rules included in it correctly elaborate this Act or other laws relating to the processing of personal data, taking account of the specific features of the sector or sectors of society in which that/those organisation(s) operate(s). If a code of conduct provides for the resolution of disputes about compliance with it, the Authority may issue such a declaration only if safeguards about its independence have been provided. 2. Subsection 1 applies equally to amendments or extensions to existing codes of conduct. 3. The Authority will deal with the request only if it considers that the party/ parties making the request is/are sufficiently representative and the sector or sectors concerned is/are described sufficiently accurately in the code. 4. A decision on a request as referred to in subsection 1 is regarded as a decision within the meaning of the General Administrative Law Act. Division 3.4 of that Act applies to its preparation. 5. The declaration remains valid for the term of validity of the code of conduct, but for no longer than five years after the publication date of the declaration. If the declaration is requested for an amendment to a code of conduct for which a declaration was previously issued, then it will remain valid for the term of that previous declaration. 6. The Authority is responsible for publishing the declaration, together with the code of conduct to which it relates, in the Government Gazette. Section 26 1. Further rules may be issued by order in council for a particular sector regarding the matters governed by Sections 6 to 11 and 13. 2. The Authority states in its annual report the extent to which it considers that subsection 1 should be applied. |