Article 1
Subject-matter and objectives
There is no recital in the Directive related to article 1.
Art. 1 1. This Regulation lays down rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data. 2. This Regulation protects fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data. 3. The free movement of personal data within the Union shall be neither restricted nor prohibited for reasons connected with the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. |
Art. 1. 1. In accordance with this Directive, Member States shall protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, and in particular their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. 2. Member States shall neither restrict nor prohibit the free flow of personal data between Member States for reasons connected with the protection afforded under paragraph 1. |
Art. 10 Gw 2. De wet stelt regels ter bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer in verband met het vastleggen en verstrekken van persoonsgegevens. 3. De wet stelt regels inzake de aanspraken van personen op kennisneming van over hen vastgelegde gegevens en van het gebruik dat daarvan wordt gemaakt, alsmede op verbetering van zodanige gegevens. |
In force until and also after May 25, 2018: (Constitutional Provision) § 1 DSG (2000) (1) Everybody shall have the right to secrecy for the personal data concerning him, especially with regard to his private and family life, insofar as he has an interest deserving such protection. Such an interest is precluded when data cannot be subject to the right to secrecy due to their general availability or because they cannot be traced back to the data subject. (2) Insofar as personal data are not used in the vital interest of the data subject or with the data subject’s consent, restrictions of the right to secrecy are permitted only to safeguard overriding legitimate interests of another person, namely in the case of interference by a public authority only on the basis of laws which are necessary for the reasons stated in Article 8 para. 2 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), Federal Law Gazette No 210/1958. Such laws may provide for the use of data that, due to their nature, deserve special protection only in order to safeguard substantial public interests and, at the same time, shall provide for adequate safeguards for the protection of the data subjects’ interests in confidentiality. Even in the case of permitted restrictions, a fundamental right may only be interfered with using the least intrusive of all effective methods. (3) Insofar as personal data concerning a person are intended for automated processing or processing in files managed manually, i.e. files managed without automated processing, every person shall, as provided for by law, have
(4) Restrictions of the rights according to para. 3 are only permitted under the conditions laid out in para. 2. (Note: para. 5 repealed by Federal Law Gazette I No 51/2012) In force until May 25, 2018: § 12 DSG 2000. (1) The transmission and committing of data to recipients in signatory states of the European economic area is not subject to any restrictions in terms of § 13. This does not apply to data exchange between public sector controllers in fields that are not subject to the law of the European Union. [...] |