Art. 52
1. Each supervisory authority shall act with complete independence in performing its tasks and exercising its powers in accordance with this Regulation.
2. The member or members of each supervisory authority shall, in the performance of their tasks and exercise of their powers in accordance with this Regulation, remain free from external influence, whether direct or indirect, and shall neither seek nor take instructions from anybody.
3. Member or members of each supervisory authority shall refrain from any action incompatible with their duties and shall not, during their term of office, engage in any incompatible occupation, whether gainful or not.
4. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority is provided with the human, technical and financial resources, premises and infrastructure necessary for the effective performance of its tasks and exercise of its powers, including those to be carried out in the context of mutual assistance, cooperation and participation in the Board.
5. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority chooses and has its own staff which shall be subject to the exclusive direction of the member or members of the supervisory authority concerned.
6. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority is subject to financial control which does not affect its independence and that it has separate, public annual budgets, which may be part of the overall state or national budget.
Art. 47
1. The supervisory authority shall act with complete independence in exercising the duties and powers entrusted to it.
2. The members of the supervisory authority shall, in the performance of their duties, neither seek nor take instructions from anybody.
3. Members of the supervisory authority shall refrain from any action incompatible with their duties and shall not, during their term of office, engage in any incompatible occupation, whether gainful or not.
4. Members of the supervisory authority shall behave, after their term of office, with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance of appointments and benefits.
5. Each Member State shall ensure that the supervisory authority is provided with the adequate human, technical and financial resources, premises and infrastructure necessary for the effective performance of its duties and powers, including those to be carried out in the context of mutual assistance, co-operation and participation in the European Data Protection Board.
6. Each Member State shall ensure that the supervisory authority has its own staff which shall be appointed by and be subject to the direction of the head of the supervisory authority.
7. Member States shall ensure that the supervisory authority is subject to financial control which shall not affect its independence. Member States shall ensure that the supervisory authority has separate annual budgets. The budgets shall be made public.
Art. 47
1. Each supervisory authority shall act with complete independence in performing the duties and exercising the powers entrusted to it in accordance with this Regulation.
2. The member or members of each supervisory authority shall, in the performance of their duties and exercise of their powers in accordance with this Regulation, remain free from external influence, whether direct or indirect and neither seek nor take instructions from anybody.
3. (...)
4. (...)
5. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority is provided with the (...) human, technical and financial resources, premises and infrastructure necessary for the effective performance of its duties and exercise of its powers, including those to be carried out in the context of mutual assistance, co-operation and participation in the European Data Protection Board.
6. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority has its own staff which shall (...) be subject to the direction of the member or members of the supervisory authority.
7. Member States shall ensure that each supervisory authority is subject to financial control which shall not affect its independence. Member States shall ensure that each supervisory authority has separate, public, annual budgets, which may be part of the overall state or national budget.
Art. 28
These authorities shall act with complete independence in exercising the functions entrusted to them.
Art. 153 - Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
1. Il Garante è composto dal Collegio, che ne costituisce il vertice, e dall’Ufficio. Il Collegio è costituito da quattro componenti, eletti due dalla Camera dei deputati e due dal Senato della Repubblica con voto limitato. I componenti devono essere eletti tra coloro che presentano la propria candidatura nell’ambito di una procedura di selezione il cui avviso deve essere pubblicato nei siti internet della Camera, del Senato e del Garante almeno sessanta giorni prima della nomina. Le candidature devono pervenire almeno trenta giorni prima della nomina e i curricula devono essere pubblicati negli stessi siti internet. Le candidature possono essere avanzate da persone che assicurino indipendenza e che risultino di comprovata esperienza nel settore della protezione dei dati personali, con particolare riferimento alle discipline giuridiche o dell’informatica.
2. I componenti eleggono nel loro ambito un presidente, il cui voto prevale in caso di parità. Eleggono altresì un vice presidente, che assume le funzioni del presidente in caso di sua assenza o impedimento.
3. L’incarico di presidente e quello di componente hanno durata settennale e non sono rinnovabili. Per tutta la durata dell’incarico il presidente e i componenti non possono esercitare, a pena di decadenza, alcuna attività professionale o di consulenza, anche non remunerata, né essere amministratori o dipendenti di enti pubblici o privati, né ricoprire cariche elettive.
4. I membri del Collegio devono mantenere il segreto, sia durante sia successivamente alla cessazione dell’incarico, in merito alle informazioni riservate cui hanno avuto accesso nell’esecuzione dei propri compiti o nell’esercizio dei propri poteri.
5. All’atto dell’accettazione della nomina il presidente e i componenti sono collocati fuori ruolo se dipendenti di pubbliche amministrazioni o magistrati in attività di servizio; se
professori universitari di ruolo, sono collocati in aspettativa senza assegni ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 11 luglio 1980, n. 382. Il personale collocato fuori ruolo o in aspettativa non può essere sostituito.
6. Al presidente compete una indennità di funzione pari alla retribuzione in godimento al primo Presidente della Corte di cassazione, nei limiti previsti dalla legge per il trattamento economico annuo omnicomprensivo di chiunque riceva a carico delle finanze pubbliche emolumenti o retribuzioni nell’ambito di rapporti di lavoro dipendente o autonomo con pubbliche amministrazioni statali. Ai componenti compete una indennità pari ai due terzi di quella spettante al Presidente.
7. Alle dipendenze del Garante è posto l’Ufficio di cui all’articolo 155.
8. Il presidente, i componenti, il segretario generale e i dipendenti si astengono dal trattare, per i due anni successivi alla cessazione dell’incarico ovvero del servizio presso il Garante, procedimenti dinanzi al Garante, ivi compresa la presentazione per conto di terzi di reclami richieste di parere o interpelli.
Art. 153 D.Lgs 196/2003 - The Garante
1. The Garante shall act fully autonomously and independently in its decisions and assessments.
2. The Garante shall be a collegiate body composed of four members, of whom two shall be elected by the Chamber of Deputies and two by the Senate through a specific voting procedure. The members shall be persons ensuring independence and with proven experience in the field of law or computer science; experts from both sectors shall have to be included.
3. The members shall elect their President, who shall have the casting vote in the case where votes are equal. They shall also elect a Vice-President, who shall discharge the functions of the President if the latter is absent or hindered.
4. President and members shall hold office for seven years; their appointment shall not be renewable. For the entire term of their office, President and members shall not be allowed - under penalty of losing office - to carry out professional or advisory activities, manage or be employed by public or private entities or hold elective offices.
5. Once President and members have accepted their appointment, they shall be assigned to the temporary staff if they are employees in the public administration or judges/prosecutors not yet retired; if they are faculty professors at an University, they shall be put on leave of absence with no allowances pursuant to Section 13 of Presidential decree no. 382 of 11.07.1980 as subsequently amended. Staff who have been assigned to the temporary staff or put on leave of absence may not be replaced.
6. The President shall be entitled to an allowance not exceeding the one paid to the judge presiding over the Court of Cassation (Corte di Cassazione). Members shall be entitled to an allowance not exceeding two-thirds of that paid to the President. The aforementioned allowances shall be determined pursuant to Section 6 of Presidential Decree no. 501 of 31 March 1998 in such a way as to be included in the ordinary budget.
7. The Office referred to in Section 156 shall be under the authority of the Garante.
Art. 176 D.Lgs. 196/2003 - Public Bodies
1. In section 24(3) of Act no. 241 of 7 August 1990, after the words "by computerised means" there shall be inserted the following: "except for the cases in which a data subject requests access to the personal data concerning him or her,".
2. In Section 2 of legislative decree no. 165 of 30 March 2001 concerning employment by public administrative agencies, after paragraph 1 there shall be inserted the following: "1-bis. The organisational criteria referred to in this Section shall be implemented by complying with the provisions on processing of personal data.".
3. For Section 4(1) of legislative decree no. 39 of 12 February 1993, as subsequently amended, there shall be substituted the following: "1. The National Centre for Information Science in the Public Administration shall be hereby set up at the Prime Minister's Office with a view to implementing the policies made by the Minister for Innovation and Technology. Said Centre shall be autonomous as to its technical, operational, administrative, accounting and financial regulations and independent in its judgments.".
4. Section 6 of legislative decree no. 39 of 12 February 1993 as well as the financing mechanisms in force within the framework of the budget drawn up by the Minister of Economy and Finance shall further apply to the National Centre for Information Science in the Public Administration.
5. For Section 5(1) of legislative decree no. 39 of 12 February 1993, as subsequently amended, there shall be substituted the following: "1. Regulations applying to organisation, operation, personnel management, careers and expenditures shall be drawn up and submitted to the Prime Minister for adoption by the National Centre, subject to the constraints referred to in this decree.".
6. As regards laws and regulations in force, for the words "Autorità per l'informatica nella pubblica amministrazione" there shall be substituted the words "Centro nazionale per l'informatica nella pubblica amministrazione [National Centre for Information Science in the Public Administration]".
Legal status of the Authority
§ 38 Data Protection Act
(5) The Authority is an independent body that is subject to Hungarian law only, it may not be instructed in its official capacity, shall operate independent of any outside interference, without any bias. Responsibilities may only be prescribed for the Authority by acts of Parliament.
Budget and financial management of the Authority
§ 39 Data Protection Act
(1) The Authority is a self-regulatory, publicly-financed body, funded under an independent title in the budget chapter of Parliament.
(2) Parliament shall have exclusive right to reduce the principal amounts of the Authority’s expenditure and revenue accounts, with the exception of temporary measures adopted for the prevention of any natural disaster endangering lives and property, or in order to mitigate the consequences thereof, and the decisions the Authority has adopted within its own powers and competence, or when acting in the capacity of a governing body.
(4) The Authority may allocate any residual amounts that may have remained in its budget from the previous year for financing operations in subsequent years.