Article 12
Transparence des informations et des communications et modalités de l'exercice des droits de la personne concernée
Il n'y pas de considérant de la Directive 95/46 lié à l'article 12.
Art. 12 1. Le responsable du traitement prend des mesures appropriées pour fournir toute information visée aux articles 13 et 14 ainsi que pour procéder à toute communication au titre des articles 15 à 22 et de l'article 34 en ce qui concerne le traitement à la personne concernée d'une façon concise, transparente, compréhensible et aisément accessible, en des termes clairs et simples, en particulier pour toute information destinée spécifiquement à un enfant. Les informations sont fournies par écrit ou par d'autres moyens y compris, lorsque c'est approprié, par voie électronique. Lorsque la personne concernée en fait la demande, les informations peuvent être fournies oralement, à condition que l'identité de la personne concernée soit démontrée par d'autres moyens. 2. Le responsable du traitement facilite l'exercice des droits conférés à la personne concernée au titre des articles 15 à 22. Dans les cas visés à l'article 11, paragraphe 2, le responsable du traitement ne refuse pas de donner suite à la demande de la personne concernée d'exercer les droits que lui confèrent les articles 15 à 22, à moins que le responsable du traitement ne démontre qu'il n'est pas en mesure d'identifier la personne concernée. 3. Le responsable du traitement fournit à la personne concernée des informations sur les mesures prises à la suite d'une demande formulée en application des articles 15 à 22, dans les meilleurs délais et en tout état de cause dans un délai d'un mois à compter de la réception de la demande. Au besoin, ce délai peut être prolongé de deux mois, compte tenu de la complexité et du nombre de demandes. Le responsable du traitement informe la personne concernée de cette prolongation et des motifs du report dans un délai d'un mois à compter de la réception de la demande. Lorsque la personne concernée présente sa demande sous une forme électronique, les informations sont fournies par voie électronique lorsque cela est possible, à moins que la personne concernée ne demande qu'il en soit autrement. 4. Si le responsable du traitement ne donne pas suite à la demande formulée par la personne concernée, il informe celle-ci sans tarder et au plus tard dans un délai d'un mois à compter de la réception de la demande des motifs de son inaction et de la possibilité d'introduire une réclamation auprès d'une autorité de contrôle et de former un recours juridictionnel. 5. Aucun paiement n'est exigé pour fournir les informations au titre des articles 13 et 14 et pour procéder à toute communication et prendre toute mesure au titre des articles 15 à 22 et de l'article 34. Lorsque les demandes d'une personne concernée sont manifestement infondées ou excessives, notamment en raison de leur caractère répétitif, le responsable du traitement peut: a) exiger le paiement de frais raisonnables qui tiennent compte des coûts administratifs supportés pour fournir les informations, procéder aux communications ou prendre les mesures demandées; ou b) refuser de donner suite à ces demandes. 6. Sans préjudice de l'article 11, lorsque le responsable du traitement a des doutes raisonnables quant à l'identité de la personne physique présentant la demande visée aux articles 15 à 21, il peut demander que lui soient fournies des informations supplémentaires nécessaires pour confirmer l'identité de la personne concernée. 7. Les informations à communiquer aux personnes concernées en application des articles 13 et 14 peuvent être fournies accompagnées d'icônes normalisées afin d'offrir une bonne vue d'ensemble, facilement visible, compréhensible et clairement lisible, du traitement prévu. Lorsque les icônes sont présentées par voie électronique, elles sont lisibles par machine. 8. La Commission est habilitée à adopter des actes délégués en conformité avec l'article 92, aux fins de déterminer les informations à présenter sous la forme d'icônes ainsi que les procédures régissant la fourniture d'icônes normalisées. |
Pas de disposition correspondante. |
Aucune disposition spécifique |
United Kingdom
7. Right of access to personal data (a) to be informed by any data controller whether personal data of which that individual is the data subject are being processed by or on behalf of that data controller, (b) if that is the case, to be given by the data controller a description of— (i) the personal data of which that individual is the data subject, (ii) the purposes for which they are being or are to be processed, and (iii) the recipients or classes of recipients to whom they are or may be disclosed, (c) to have communicated to him in an intelligible form— (i) the information constituting any personal data of which that individual is the data subject, and (ii) any information available to the data controller as to the source of those data, and (d) where the processing by automatic means of personal data of which that individual is the data subject for the purpose of evaluating matters relating to him such as, for example, his performance at work, his creditworthiness, his reliability or his conduct, has constituted or is likely to constitute the sole basis for any decision significantly affecting him, to be informed by the data controller of the logic involved in that decision-taking. (2) A data controller is not obliged to supply any information under subsection (1) unless he has received— (a) a request in writing, and (b) except in prescribed cases, such fee (not exceeding the prescribed maximum) as he may require. (3) Where a data controller— (a) reasonably requires further information in order to satisfy himself as to the identity of the person making a request under this section and to locate the information which that person seeks, and (b) has informed him of that requirement, the data controller is not obliged to comply with the request unless he is supplied with that further information. (4) Where a data controller cannot comply with the request without disclosing information relating to another individual who can be identified from that information, he is not obliged to comply with the request unless— (a) the other individual has consented to the disclosure of the information to the person making the request, or (b) it is reasonable in all the circumstances to comply with the request without the consent of the other individual. (5) In subsection (4) the reference to information relating to another individual includes a reference to information identifying that individual as the source of the information sought by the request; and that subsection is not to be construed as excusing a data controller from communicating so much of the information sought by the request as can be communicated without disclosing the identity of the other individual concerned, whether by the omission of names or other identifying particulars or otherwise. (6) In determining for the purposes of subsection (4)(b) whether it is reasonable in all the circumstances to comply with the request without the consent of the other individual concerned, regard shall be had, in particular, to— (a) any duty of confidentiality owed to the other individual, (b) any steps taken by the data controller with a view to seeking the consent of the other individual, (c) whether the other individual is capable of giving consent, and (d) any express refusal of consent by the other individual. (7) An individual making a request under this section may, in such cases as may be prescribed, specify that his request is limited to personal data of any prescribed description. (8) Subject to subsection (4), a data controller shall comply with a request under this section promptly and in any event before the end of the prescribed period beginning with the relevant day. (9) If a court is satisfied on the application of any person who has made a request under the foregoing provisions of this section that the data controller in question has failed to comply with the request in contravention of those provisions, the court may order him to comply with the request. (10) In this section— “prescribed” means prescribed by the [F3 Secretary of State] by regulations; “the prescribed maximum” means such amount as may be prescribed; “the prescribed period” means forty days or such other period as may be prescribed; “the relevant day”, in relation to a request under this section, means the day on which the data controller receives the request or, if later, the first day on which the data controller has both the required fee and the information referred to in subsection (3). (11) Different amounts or periods may be prescribed under this section in relation to different cases. 8. Provisions supplementary to section 7 (1) The [F1 Secretary of State] may by regulations provide that, in such cases as may be prescribed, a request for information under any provision of subsection (1) of section 7 is to be treated as extending also to information under other provisions of that subsection. (2) The obligation imposed by section 7(1)(c)(i) must be complied with by supplying the data subject with a copy of the information in permanent form unless— (a) the supply of such a copy is not possible or would involve disproportionate effort, or (b) the data subject agrees otherwise; and where any of the information referred to in section 7(1)(c)(i) is expressed in terms which are not intelligible without explanation the copy must be accompanied by an explanation of those terms. (3) Where a data controller has previously complied with a request made under section 7 by an individual, the data controller is not obliged to comply with a subsequent identical or similar request under that section by that individual unless a reasonable interval has elapsed between compliance with the previous request and the making of the current request. (5) Section 7(1)(d) is not to be regarded as requiring the provision of information as to the logic involved in any decision-taking if, and to the extent that, the information constitutes a trade secret. (6) The information to be supplied pursuant to a request under section 7 must be supplied by reference to the data in question at the time when the request is received, except that it may take account of any amendment or deletion made between that time and the time when the information is supplied, being an amendment or deletion that would have been made regardless of the receipt of the request. (7) For the purposes of section 7(4) and (5) another individual can be identified from the information being disclosed if he can be identified from that information, or from that and any other information which, in the reasonable belief of the data controller, is likely to be in, or to come into, the possession of the data subject making the request. |