Artikkel 7
Conditions for consent
Det finnes ingen fortaletekst i direktivet relatert til art. 7.
Art. 7 1. Where processing is based on consent, the controller shall be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented to processing of his or her personal data. 2. If the data subject's consent is given in the context of a written declaration which also concerns other matters, the request for consent shall be presented in a manner which is clearly distinguishable from the other matters, in an intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language. Any part of such a declaration which constitutes an infringement of this Regulation shall not be binding. 3. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Prior to giving consent, the data subject shall be informed thereof. It shall be as easy to withdraw as to give consent. 4. When assessing whether consent is freely given, utmost account shall be taken of whether, inter alia, the performance of a contract, including the provision of a service, is conditional on consent to the processing of personal data that is not necessary for the performance of that contract. |
Art. 7 Member States shall provide that personal data may be processed only if: (a) the data subject has unambiguously given his consent; or (b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; or (c) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject; or (d) processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject; or (e) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller or in a third party to whom the data are disclosed; or (f) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by the third party or parties to whom the data are disclosed, except where such interests are overridden by the interests for fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection under Article 1 (1). |
Art. 7 Vilkår for samtykke 1. Dersom behandlingen bygger på samtykke, skal den behandlingsansvarlige kunne påvise at den registrerte har samtykket til behandling av personopplysninger om vedkommende. 2. Dersom den registrertes samtykke gis i forbindelse med en skriftlig erklæring som også gjelder andre forhold, skal anmodningen om samtykke framlegges på en måte som gjør at den tydelig kan skilles fra nevnte andre forhold, i en forståelig og lett tilgjengelig form og på et klart og enkelt språk. Deler av en slik erklæring som er i strid med denne forordning, skal ikke være bindende. 3. Den registrerte skal ha rett til å trekke tilbake sitt samtykke til enhver tid. Dersom samtykket trekkes tilbake, skal det ikke påvirke lovligheten av behandlingen som bygger på samtykket før det trekkes tilbake. Før det gis samtykke, skal den registrerte opplyses om dette. Det skal være like enkelt å trekke tilbake som å gi samtykke. 4. Ved vurdering av om et samtykke er gitt frivillig skal det tas størst mulig hensyn til blant annet om oppfyllelse av en avtale, herunder om yting av en tjeneste, er gjort betinget av samtykke til behandling av personopplysninger som ikke er nødvendig for å oppfylle nevnte avtale. |
6. - (1) Personal data may be processed only if:
(2) A company may not disclose data concerning a consumer to a third company for the purpose of marketing or use such data on behalf of a third company for this purpose, unless the consumer has given his explicit consent. The consent shall be obtained in accordance with the rules laid down in section 6 of the Danish Marketing Act. (3) However, the disclosure and use of data as mentioned in subsection (2) may take place without consent in the case of general data on customers which form the basis for classification into customer categories, and if the conditions laid down in subsection (1) 7 are satisfied. (4) Data of the type mentioned in sections 7 and 8 may not be disclosed or used by virtue of subsection (3). The Minister of Justice may lay down further restrictions in the access to disclose or use certain types of data by virtue of subsection (3). 38. The data subject may withdraw his consent. |