Article 84
(55) Whereas, if the controller fails to respect the rights of data subjects, national legislation must provide for a judicial remedy; whereas any damage which a person may suffer as a result of unlawful processing must be compensated for by the controller, who may be exempted from liability if he proves that he is not responsible for the damage, in particular in cases where he establishes fault on the part of the data subject or in case of force majeure; whereas sanctions must be imposed on any person, whether governed by private of public law, who fails to comply with the national measures taken under this Directive;
Art. 84 1. Member States shall lay down the rules on other penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation in particular for infringements which are not subject to administrative fines pursuant to Article 83, and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. Such penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. 2. Each Member State shall notify to the Commission the provisions of its law which it adopts pursuant to paragraph 1, by 25 May 2018 and, without delay, any subsequent amendment affecting them. |
Art. 24 The Member States shall adopt suitable measures to ensure the full implementation of the provisions of this Directive and shall in particular lay down the sanctions to be imposed in case of infringement of the provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. |
Artikel 18 Concept-uitvoeringswet AVG (GDPR) De Autoriteit is bevoegd tot oplegging van een bestuurlijke boete tot 20.000.000 euro, of, voor een onderneming, tot 4% van de totale wereldwijde jaaromzet in het voorgaande boekjaar indien dit cijfer hoger is, voor inbreuken op de gestelde verplichtingen in artikel 10 van de verordening. |
Artikel 18 Concept-uitvoeringswet AVG (GDPR) De Autoriteit is bevoegd tot oplegging van een bestuurlijke boete tot 20.000.000 euro, of, voor een onderneming, tot 4% van de totale wereldwijde jaaromzet in het voorgaande boekjaar indien dit cijfer hoger is, voor inbreuken op de gestelde verplichtingen in artikel 10 van de verordening. |